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LYNX-DEV Lynx configurations

From: Bruce Gullion
Subject: LYNX-DEV Lynx configurations
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 17:48:35 -0800

I am con I am contemplating using Lynx to support a large number of
users >500 with a single ID to avoid the administration efforts.  The
single ID may not be anonymous (to avoid any security risks), but
instead be a valid system user account.  I have installed Lynx 2-7 on an
Intel Pentium machine running Red Hat Linux 3.0.3.

My questions, among many, are:

Is this a sane decision?

What are the pitfalls of such an installation can I expect?

Are there any other functions that are user specific that could hinder
such a configuration?

I am a new user of Linux and Lynx and have the task of answering these
many other installation and configuration questions.

I have read the Makefile, userdefs,  lynx.cfg files and the Users
Guide.  They have answered many of my questions and concerns.  Thanks to
the creators of these documents and the comments contained in them.

Any help or comments is appreciated.

Thank You.

Bruce Gullion
Network Developer
Network Data Express
Seattle WA

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