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RE: LYNX-DEV Lynx Bug (fwd)

From: David Hardy
Subject: RE: LYNX-DEV Lynx Bug (fwd)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 10:10:34 GMT

On 26 Mar 1997 14:27, Ronald Loneker Jr <address@hidden> wrote:

>>> I just attempted to connect to a URL using Lynx and received a message 
>>> that I encountered a bug in Lynx.  Speaking with our Academic Computer 
>>> Center Director, I am sending you the following information.
>>> The URL:
>>> The Operating System being used by us:  UNIX
>>> The version:  4v3-1.1
>>> The TCP/IP implementation:  ???
>>> (I am using a IBM-compatible PC and dialing into our Computer Center 
>>> using the Windows' (v. 3.1) Terminal program.)
>>> Then, the message was written:
>>> Lynx now existing with signal:  11
>>> Thank you.
>> Works OK with Lynx version 2.5FM running under OpenVMS 6.2. I wasn't using
>> Windows Terminal but I don't think that that would be the problem. The page
>> referenced by URL contains some Java script which 
>> Lynx
>> should just ignore but that's probably version dependant. Do you know which
>> version of Lynx you're using? (You can find out by starting up Lynx and then
>> pressing the '=' key.)
> I checked the version of Lynx as you requested - it's version 2.4.2.
> The bug error happened on each of the different links on the home page - I 
> tried them all, thinking that there might have been a mistake by the 
> person who created the Webpage...
> I've been using this version of Lynx frequently since last October, but 
> I've never received this message before.

We still have Lynx version 2-3FM available but we never used version 2.4.2 so I
can't see if it works under the OpenVMS operating system. However, version
2-3FM does misbehave with the URL, omitting some of the
text when the links are selected. This doesn't appear to happen with Lynx
versions 2.5FM or 2.6FM (we haven't installed the latest version - 2.7 - yet).
I'd advise trying a more recent version of Lynx - see URL for where to get the current version.

I'm copying this reply to the LYNX-DEV list in case someone else can throw any
light on the problem.


| David Hardy                             | E-mail: address@hidden    |
| Department of Information Services,     +----------------------------------+
| University of Northumbria at Newcastle, | Silence is not only golden, it's |
| Northumberland Building, Ellison Place, | seldom misquoted.                |
| Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, U.K.      |                  - Bob Monkhouse |
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