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Re: LYNX-DEV Wayne's Lynx ports and CP850 fullscreen/window?

From: Alan J. Flavell
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Wayne's Lynx ports and CP850 fullscreen/window?
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 14:27:47 +0000

On Fri, 28 Mar 1997, Wayne Buttles wrote:

(I had sent you copies of my autoexec.bat and config.sys)

> I tried to emulate your success but failed.  One thing that comes to
> mind...what version of Win95 are you running? 

System is 4.00.950.B.  I happen to have it configured for GB but
I wouldn't expect this to be different than USA in this respect -
CP850 is supposed to be an available option in both locales I think.

> I am running the U.S.
> version which may have a different font for the windowed dos mode.  

Hmmm.  I think fonts may have something to do with it.

I'm sorry for wasting your time with nlsfunc and country=.  I told
you in all honesty that I didn't understand the details of this stuff,
and merely sent you the config.sys and autoexec.bat as I had it.
I have now tried commenting-out nlsfunc and country= and ansi.sys, and
Lynx still works fine as I described - set for CP850 it correctly 
displays every valid iso-8859-1 code.  I also tried de-installing 
the Windows multilanguage support, and that made no difference either.

Fonts?  Well, the MS DOS configuration menu doesn't say anything 
about what the font is called - it only offers to reconfigure its
size.  However, if I look in my fonts folder I find these:

Terminal     =  vga850.fon
MS-DOS CP850 =  app850.fon

Maybe it's one of these that's doing the magic.  I'll contact you
off the list about this, and we can report any results back, OK?.
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