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lynx-dev Re: Vertical scrolling within text areas /javascript

From: Al Gilman
Subject: lynx-dev Re: Vertical scrolling within text areas /javascript
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 08:23:03 -0400 (EDT)

to follow up on what Simmon Keith said:
> From address@hidden  Wed May  6 02:33:40 1998
> Message-ID: <address@hidden>
> Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 06:08:27
> From: Simmon Keith <address@hidden>
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Vertical scrolling within text areas /javascript

>    Is there any way to scroll vertically in a text-area form?
>    And I don't just mean going from line to line.  I mean, when
>    a text-area's boundaries are smaller than its actual
>    capacity, is there a way to navigate into that unseen space
>    using Lynx?  I know you can write horizontally off the line
>    fine, but going above and below has me stumped.

Lynx currently implements TEXAREAs as a sequence of one-line input
opportunities.  And you cannot go beyond the allocated set of lines.
This is recognized to be a problem and a violation of HTML 4.0.

> Also, is there any intention to add javascript support?  All
>    the mouse-dependant stuff could me ignored.  But some pages
>    (such as certain web-based e-mail providers) are designed to
>    be used with javascript, and even simple things are not
>    possible to do without it.  

Yes, this is also among the recognized problems.

You can send questions like this to <address@hidden>.

Al Gilman

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