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Re: lynx-dev 2.8.2dev1[345] hangs on exit

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev 2.8.2dev1[345] hangs on exit
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 14:55:20 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> When I hit Q to quit from 2.8.2dev13 - 2.8.2dev15 on FreeBSD (3.0/4.0) the
> browser just hangs, and refuses to respond to ^C. Characters which are typed
> appear on the screen, and ^Z and ^\ will still work (suspend/dump core).
> This also happens if I 'z' the fetching of the initial page when it's starting
> up (i.e. where it would normally just exit).
> Anyone else seeing this?

Haven't heard of it.

If tracing is on, does it generate any trace output in that state?

in _this case_, you may want to leave trace output directed to the screen,
see -tlog, since you're eventually gonna kill lynx with ^\ and can't be
sure a trace file will have everything flushed.

Is that initial 'z' interrupting the name server lookup, the connect,
or the actual retrieval?

Does the 'Q' have to be a capital 'Q' or does it also hang with 'q'?

Try compiling without --enable-nsl-fork, see whether that's the problem.

> Kris
> P.S. Not subscribed to the list, please CC me on any responses.


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