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Re: lynx-dev Installing & Running softwre

From: Webmaster Jim
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Installing & Running softwre
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 05:26:08 -0500

On Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 08:52:50AM -0800, Cleveland Samuels wrote:
> I downloaded file and UNzip it using NETZIP 6.4. I don't 
> understand how to intall the software or how get it up and running.

There should be a LYNX.EXE file within that zip archive, as well as a
readme.txt, and in the samples subdirectory, this LYNX.BAT:

set term=vt100
set home=d:\win32
set temp=d:\tmp
set lynx_cfg=d:\win32\lynx.cfg
d:\win32\lynx.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

Edit the LYNX.bat to define your own home, temp, and lynx.cfg locations
(Lynx needs to find the LYNX.CFG file to run). Then be sure the full
path to lynx is correct, and then run the BAT file from Windows explorer
or RUN command. Using "LYNX.BAT ." will force Lynx to start locally, in
case your net connection is suspect.

Marvin the Paranoid Android:
/etc/motd: permission denied

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