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Re: lynx-dev mime.types file inactive

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev mime.types file inactive
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 04:16:11 -0600 (CST)

[Uhm, how many more copies of the same message with slight variations
can we expect?]

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Chris Gray wrote:

> I'm trying to teach LYNX v2.8 to give the "download" dialog for .mp2
> .mp3, and .wav files similarly to how it does for .zip files.  Right
> now when I choose a link to .mp2 for instance, it spends lots of time
> loading the file then drops back to the original link and I can't
> save.  
> I created the following file called mime.types in my c:\lynx subdir:
>      audio/x-wav wav
>      audio/x-mpeg mp2
>      audio/x-mpeg mp3

That may not be relevant at all, unless you are talking about an ftp:

What is in the Content-Type header the server *actually* sends for
the file you want to download?  Try HEAD, on key ']'.

> In lynx.cfg I uncommented the globalextnesions and personal_extensions
> lines, but still no change.
> Also I tried a few stumbling changes in mailcap, but still no dice.

To see what lynx is trying to do, use -trace or ^T, if that works
in the version you are using.  If you need help interpreting the
resulting trace file, send excerpts to the list.  If -trace or ^T
doesnt work, get a newer version where it hopefully does.

A trace should give at the least a hint what's different between the
cases where you can download and those where you can't.


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