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lynx-dev Javascript

From: Lalo Martins
Subject: lynx-dev Javascript
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 02:38:08 -0300

<#include "not-subscribed-to-this-list-please-CC-replies.h">

I'm pretty sure you guys heard Mozilla org is going to release
the Javascript engine (a library) double-licensed on NPL and
GPL. It is already available, but NPL-only; as soon as the GPL
is effective, it becomes an useful addition to lynx.

Is anyone already thinking of this?

The sources can be found at your favourite mozilla mirror at
.../pub/js/ (try for example). It
has the library, a "javascript shell" (???) and what seems to be
a perl module.

Some guys with enought guts to call themselves webmasters are
acquiring the horrendous habit of writing forms without submit
buttons - they add some other button (or worse, an anchor) that
triggers a script that does something (usually verifying the
data in the form, something that everyone knows should be done
by the server) before submitting. Among a lot of
javascript-related usability issues, this last one is the most
annoying, and unfortunately seems to be a growing trend. If's GPLed libjavascript is sane enought, I might even
put aside some time to help lynx use it.

      I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
                 Resistance is futile.      mailto:address@hidden
                 pgp key in the web page

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