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lynx-dev Re: clicktv search (was nothing)

From: Bruce Toews
Subject: lynx-dev Re: clicktv search (was nothing)
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 14:32:04 -0500 (CDT)

> i had no problem getting cable services for ZIP 98105 in Seattle.
Getting the program listings works fine. But *searching* for a program
does not. Like when you call up the search screen, type in Jeopardy in the
blank provided, and click on "begin search", you get the search entry
screen instead of the search results screen.

 >  remember something about this, but not when;
> however, you can't turn JS off, as Lynx doesn't handle it at all.
No, but Clicktv allows you to either use JS or not, and I chose the "not"
setting in Clicktv.

> > Also, the search works just fine on old versions of Lynx.
> i'm using 2-8-2dev.19 : what do you mean by old?
Version 2.6.x works with the search feature.

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