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lynx-dev Mirrors at L**xberg

From: Webmaster Jim
Subject: lynx-dev Mirrors at L**xberg
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 23:31:55 -0400

While updating mirror locations, I noticed "linuxberg" has an
incorrect listing for copies of Lynx.  I sent them the note appended
below.  Funny, I tried to get Tucows to add Lynx several times...

                                               Console Network - Web (p4 of 16) 
     * Version: Stable 2.8.2 rel 1 / Development 2.8.3 Pre 4                    
     * Revision Date: June 8, 1999 / July 15, 1999                              
     * Byte Size: 1,830,833 / 1,962,289                                         
     * License: GPL                                                             
     * Binaries: Slackware, PPC                                                 
     * Home Page:                                       
     * Description: Lynx is a text based web browser that does exactly          
       what it is supposed to, and does it well. Since there is no              
       graphics to load, information comes basically on demand, faster          
       than any other browser on the market today.                              
       5 Penguins                                                               

     The Lynx numbering scheme on your page__
     conhtml/net_web.html is incorrect.______
     The development 2.8.3 release should____
     be called 2.8.3 Dev 4 (now 5), not______
     2.8.3 Pre 4.  The "pre" release will____
     only be done when we decide development_
     is done.________________________________

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