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Re: lynx-dev Lynx (2.8.2rel.1) botches input type=submit value= w/spaces

From: Heather
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Lynx (2.8.2rel.1) botches input type=submit value= w/spaces
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 10:44:41 -0700 (PDT)

> Sheesh,
>    Not 5 minutes after I reply, do I finally find some statement on this...
>    As of HTML 4.0 (from
>    [note that last paragraph]:
> + 6.2 SGML basic types
> + 
> + The document type definition specifies the syntax of HTML element
> + content and attribute values using SGML tokens (e.g., PCDATA, CDATA,
> + NAME, ID, etc.). See [ISO8879] for their full definitions. The
> + following is a summary of key information:
> + 
> +     CDATA is a sequence of characters from the document character set
> +     and may include character entities. User agents should interpret
> +     attribute values as follows: 
> +       . Replace character entities with characters, 

This implies my mention of the hardspace entity should work...

> +       . Ignore line feeds, 
> +       . Replace each carriage return or tab with a single space. 
> + 
> +     User agents may ignore leading and trailing white space in CDATA
> +     attribute values (e.g., "   myval   " may be interpreted as "myval").
> +     Authors should not declare attribute values with leading or trailing
> +     white space.
>     So, I stand corrected.  (I think)
>     But, I still think this is a p*ss poor idea.
>     I know I'm forever doing CGI forms which 'remember' input
>     values from invocation to invocation -- that is:
>       <form ...><input type=text name=foo value="">...</form>
>     and if the user type "   myval   " in that field, the next
>     time around I send:
>       <form ...><input type=text name=foo value="   myval   ">...</form>
>     since if they entered "   myval   " I assume that's what they meant!

Then your CGI creating the "remembered" input should generate hardspace
entities wherever they typed a plain space, and it would survive the 
transition through a fully compliant browser.

All theory, not tested.  But now I'm curious, so I hope you try it.

* Heather

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