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Re: lynx-dev lynx.cfg bloat (was various fixes)

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx.cfg bloat (was various fixes)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 01:36:05 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Philip Webb wrote:

> 990817 Henry Nelson wrote: 
> > PLEASE STOP adding all these lynx.cfg settings.
> > Lynx.cfg is already so large
> > NO newcomer in his right mind would bother to read it,
> > much less try to understand or use it.
> > some people on strict disk quotas wouldn't dare experiment with it.
> hear, hear!  lynx.cfg  for 2-8-2dev.19 was  1929 lines ,
> 2-8-3dev.6 is  2278 lines , an increase of  18 % .

Someone may want to propose a partitioning scheme.  Instead of one
big lynx.cfg, have a small lynx.cfg that includes other files.
Most or all INCLUDEs could be commented out by default.

The number of options _will_ continue to grow, or does anybody expect
anything else?  Some folks just accelerate the process, but they are not
the reason why lynx.cfg _is_ big.

> > all new settings to lynx.cfg should be strictly ONE setting per function.
> > ALL the psrc stuff should be controlled by one setting, PSRCVIEW.
> > Fine tuning could be done by additional parsing of arguments,

I don't see how this would help keeping lynx.cfg smaller.  The stuff
still has to be documented, that's what takes up most of the space.

> an excellent suggestion: retroactive too, if someone cares to fix things.

I don't understand how this would be retroactive.
> > There is no excuse other than laziness and sloppiness
> > for junk like the HTMLSRC_* fiasco.

Or exuberance.

Anyway, I don't particularly like the HTMLSRC_* syntax, but words
like "junk" and "fiasco" are a bit too strong.  Probably not the most
effective way to get it changed, if that is what you want.


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