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Re: lynx-dev lynx for Win32 (from Japan)

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx for Win32 (from Japan)
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:06:17 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Lloyd G. Rasmussen wrote:

> There may be a Sendmail for Win/32 that is open-source, but the one I know
> of, which continues under development, is produced by Nigel Ellis, a
> programmer from Microsoft, and is $18 shareware.  More info at
> He had some conversation with Fote on this list in April or May, 1997.

Thanks for the pointers.  I was naïve to assume that something called
"sendmail.exe" must be a port of "the" sendmail, I should have known

So apparently this one has not much in common with Allman's sendmail,
except that it can be used for some more or less equivalent purposes.
The command line flags are completely different.  How confusing.

I know that on Unix the various alternatives to sendmail are usually
installed to provide the same interface as their older brother (i.e.
a "/usr/lib/sendmail" [or different path] binary that understands
[some of] the same flags).  But that's different, nobody calls those
packages "sendmail" just because they have the binary of the same


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