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Re: lynx-dev chartrans to CJK-like display (was: stopping when viewing a

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev chartrans to CJK-like display (was: stopping when viewing a site)
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 13:43:27 +0900 (JST)

> I didn't follow the EXP_JAPANESE_SPACES story; could you summarize?

Chinese and Japanese (possibly Korean, but I doubt it) do not have
inter-word spaces.  Lynx inappropriately puts a space between the
last character on a line and the first character on the following
line of source.  I did a hack (
lynxdev/hacks/nospace4yn.gz) to fix that, but the if statement was
only against the display character set, iirc, when it needs to be
against both that and the document character set, or better yet
whether or not the line break is between multibyte characters.


> Please let me know what happens.

I will.  (Unfortunately heavily bogged down helping students install
NetBSD on junk NEC98 PCs in what little spare time I have this summer.)

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