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lynx-dev Re: lynx pages at disappeared?

From: Webmaster Jim
Subject: lynx-dev Re: lynx pages at disappeared?
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:45:09 -0400

On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 09:02:02AM -0400, T.E.Dickey wrote:
> > It seems that several lynx related files directories have completely 
> > disappeared from aka 
> >  just gives a directory listing, 
> > is missing (404 Not found) 
> to find/fix the other stuff.  I guess Jim or I'll have to run one of those
> for them to go to).
> > Tom or Jim, do you know what's up? 
> >    Klaus 
> Thomas E. Dickey

Well, it's not *totally* gone, just at a different location :-).  The
lynx directory got renamed to lynx_old, so a bunch of links went bad.

I've copied the old files into the new web home directory, and things
should be looking better now.  Let me know about any missing links.
I know that release2-8-1 has not been restored, yet.

The cgi-bin stuff is not fixed, and the PRCS copy to the new directory
is bogus.  I'll look at them tonight or tomorrow.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!" (TM)

Tom -- I've moved everything that was linked to my home directory to
the new filesystem and updated the debit and scripts.  Let me
know if you can update what you need to...

Marvin the Paranoid Android says:
A brain the size of a planet and this is what I'm reduced to:
A terminal at Cardiff.   How utterly depressing.

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