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Re: [Lynx-dev] Few suggestions to improve the UI.

From: Thorsten Glaser
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] Few suggestions to improve the UI.
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 19:19:25 +0000 (UTC)

Ashutosh Sharma dixit:

>1. The navigation part of many sites becomes extensively long and makes it
>difficult to access the important content on sites. If the lists with
>class="*-nav" or id="nav" could be condensed into one link and expanded on
>selection, it would make a huge difference in the user experience.

Yes, it would absolutely fuck users off:

1. More keypresses to get to the navigation
2. Hiding content
3. Hiding content from search
4. You’d have to realise expandable content at first

That’s just so un-textbrowser… but usually, these navigations are
easily spotted and visually skipped. On many pages, they also always
end on the same thing, so you can quickly search (slash + text + Enter)
for their end, if you visit the same sites often (and 'n' for the
“next” result, or, the first one on a new page).

>3. Streaming audio through command line players like mocp.

Lynx can stream through, say, mpg123, but only if the pages offer
it properly. Most hide things behind ECMAscript. I often hit backspace
to view the source code, search for mp3, and then just copy/paste
the URI.

Added benefit: doesn’t block the browser, I can continue to use it.

It could hand off the audio in the background, but that would leave
you with few means to control it after, which is… suboptimal at best.

>4. Also if the horizontal nav being displayed properly(horizontally) would
>be helpful.

There is no horizontal navigation in lynx, ever.

Incidentally, this helps, a lot.

>5. While navigating pagewise(using space or numpad) one or two lines should
>be repeated as it keeps you in context.

Yes and no. But you can navigate half-page-wise (with the parenthesis
keys), or just hit Insert/Delete to scroll two lines, to get back the

When reading fanfiction, I often like the fact I can just continue at
the top of the screen (fast), and equally as ingrained is a habit to
press Ins/Del to get whole paragraphs on the screen, but usually then
even at the bottom, i.e. before paging.

Tim Chase dixit:
>On 2016-11-22 05:10, Ashutosh Sharma wrote:
>> 2. Auto detection of protocol. e.g. should
>> automatically redirect to eLinks already
>> has this feature.
>It does?  I just issued
>  $ lynx
>and it properly redirected following all the specs, ending up at
> which is where I'd want & expect to be

Exactly. I even have a shell function to search.

>DDG seems to do some user-agent sniffing, detecting that Lynx is

Yes, that’s a feature, they have /, /lite/ and /html/, only two
of which, at best, work in text browsers.

>One of the things I like about Lynx is how it linearizes things,
>rather than trying to stack them up horizontally.  If you want
>a more visual rendering, lynx may not be the browser for you.


I actually use both lynx and links+/dillo, depending on how I
wish to view the content. (Mostly dillo for average pages and
links+ as manga viewer, but dillo has gotten less usable recently,
so my links+ use increased – although lynx is still my primary

>> 5. While navigating pagewise(using space or numpad) one or two
>> lines should be repeated as it keeps you in context.
>I could see adding this as an option, but I almost never want this.

Yeah, it’d be irritating. An option would be fine, of course.

>Vim set this as the default (a non-zero 'scrolloff' setting) in the
>recent 8.0 release and I think it was an unfortunate mistake as it
>changed long-standing default behavior.  I don't mind having the

T̲h̲a̲t̲’s another point… changing such is always violating the principle
of least behaviour for your existing userbase, and if it’s not in‐
substantial, that’s bad.

(There was the one person with the thermal sensor and Emacs…)

David Woolley dixit:

> On 21/11/16 23:40, Ashutosh Sharma wrote:
>> 2. Auto detection of protocol. e.g.
>> <> should automatically redirect to
>> eLinks already has this feature.
> The just a naming convention that has stuck, it is not the protocol.

True. Additionally, DDG does not even use it.

>> Why don't you use JavaScript? I also don't like enabling JavaScript in
> Because I use lynx as browser.
        -- Octavio Alvarez, me and ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕ (Mario Lang) on debian-devel

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