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Re: [Lynx-dev] Can I Solve these 403 Errors Forever?

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] Can I Solve these 403 Errors Forever?
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 19:14:31 -0500 (EST)

Hi Larry,
I am sure others will share their opinion, so here is mine.
To be honest it might be more practical to inform the source of this site that they are blocking the browser incorrectly, than to remove the option for sending the user agent. This is because some sites will think you are a hacker without the agent at all.
I am unsure where you are running lynx most of the time.
Perhaps you can edit the user agent so it is something more conventional all the time?
Just my thoughts,

On Wed, 30 Nov 2016, Hart Larry wrote:

Well, yes, I know many times related discussions of user agents come up on this list. Well, I just subscribed to an rss feed of stories, but viewing them from pine, lynx has this 403 error. Sure on the fly, I go in options and uncheck link 41. But is their something I can put in the config so this will always show me the site-and-any articles? Would it be any easier to put something in a Pine config to launch lynx to bipass these 403 errors. Here is the site in question:
At that site, I would love to be able to use the link which says, print friendly, however, looking at that specific link-and-in the source-code, there seems no way of getting to it. If I were a voting member, I would really hope these print links would work again. These days, you can hardly find a single NewsPaper, Magazine, or other publishing hub where you can access a printer friendly link. Sure wish we still had a Gopher style layout as we did around 1998 or so.
Thanks so much in advance

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