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Re: [Lzip-bug] lzip support in busybox

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Lzip-bug] lzip support in busybox
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 13:55:18 +0100
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Hello Daniel,

Daniel Baumann wrote:
I'd like to use lzip compressed udeb packages (udebs are 'minimalistic'
debian packages used within debian-installer).

This requires support for unpacking lzip compressed debs in busybox,
which in turn means that there needs to be lzip decompression support
within busybox so that the busybox minimalistic dpkg can make use of it.

Does anyone have already looked into that?

Thanks for asking. :-)

Matias A. Fonzo (from Dragora) and I are already working on the "lzip decompression support within busybox" part. The plan is to adapt the C code from lunzip, which should not be too difficult.

As soon as it is done I'll announce it in this list (and CC you, of course).

Best regards,

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