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Re: [Lzip-bug] lzd not working

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Lzip-bug] lzd not working
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:47:32 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.7.11) Gecko/20050905

Hello Rlyeh.

Rlyeh Mario wrote:
I've tried to uncompress the lzlib-1.5.tar.lz file with both lzd-05 and
appendix A sources.
Neither of them are working and shows a 'data error' instead when
unlzipping. any idea?

Does it compile and pass the tests (make check)?

On what system are you trying it? Non-posix systems usually remove carriage-return characters from stdin.

On my GNU/Linux systems it works as expected.

$ lzd < lzlib-1.5.tar.lz | md5sum
a29e9a394b753c0d82fc03008fa8db9c  -
$ lzip -cd lzlib-1.5.tar.lz | md5sum
a29e9a394b753c0d82fc03008fa8db9c  -

thanks in advance, the project looks so cool :)

You are welcome. :-)

ps: appendix A source seems someway newer than lzd05. time to publish a
lz06 version with it maybe? :D

I plan to release lzd-0.6 along with the next stable version of lzip (1.16).

Best regards,

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