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Re: m4 newbie q: ifelse not operating based on the value of sysval

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: m4 newbie q: ifelse not operating based on the value of sysval
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 15:15:40 -0600
User-agent: NeoMutt/20220429

On Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 02:33:12PM -0500, deference@null.net wrote:
> The new command is:
> for i in *.mkv; do  echo 'define(`mkv'\'', `ogg'\'')ifelse(`1'\'',
> syscmd(`test -f '\''defn(`f'\''))sysval, `-i'\'' f `-map 1'\'')dnl' | m4
> -D f="$i" -; done
> I get the following output:
> sh: 1: test: MY-FILE: unexpected operator
> ...
> I'm not really sure what's going on. The filenames do need to be quoted,
> but if I replace the test command with the echo command I get the
> expected string output.
> -f MY-FILE 01.ogg
> -f MY-FILE 02.ogg
> ...

So, to make sure I get this right, your file name is "MY-FILE 01.ogg",
including the space.  You are asking syscmd() to execute the
equivalent of:

"test" "-f" "MY-FILE" "01.ogg"

which is a syntax error in shell.  It looks like you want to ask the
shell to execute the equivalent of:

"test" "-f" "MY-FILE 01.ogg"

If so, make sure you include that quoting in your m4 command:

for i in *.mkv; do  echo 'define(`mkv'\'', `ogg'\'')ifelse(`1'\'', syscmd(`test 
-f "'\''defn(`f'\'')")sysval, `-i'\'' "defn(`f'\'')" `-map 1'\'')dnl' | m4 -D 
f="$i" -; done

Also, consider using changequote; it makes life easier for writing m4
code on the command line:

echo 'changequote([,])define([mkv], [ogg])ifelse(1, syscmd([test -f 
"]defn([f])["])sysval, [-i "]defn([f])[" -map 1])dnl'

> > plus the extra quoting needed to write ' in shell.
> >
> I think I got that, see above.
> > > 
> > > As a bit of a bonus question, can I somehow tack a period onto the
> > > front of the mkv macro expansion? That way, instead of matching
> > > "mkv", it would match ".mkv".  
> > 
> > If you are asking "can m4 treat '.mkv' as a macro name", the answer is
> > no for m4 1.4 unless it was built with --enable-changeword (which
> > penalizes speed performance).  But if you are asking if you can write
> > an m4 macro that inspects whether its argument includes the substring
> > '.mkv' and if so does something, then yes.
> > 
> I'd like to have a "macro that inspects whether its argument includes the
> substring '.mkv' and if so does something."

Using the changequote tip above,

define([macro], [ifelse(index([$1], [.mkv]), 1, [do stuff for mkv],
  [do stuff for non-mkv])])dnl

You can also get fancier such as using substr() and len() to only
check for .mkv as the last four bytes of the input.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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