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Re: make target / dependency names with spaces

From: grischka
Subject: Re: make target / dependency names with spaces
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 14:06:09 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)

> some\ program\ name.exe

This will only work in the commands (where simple quoting will also
work), but not in targets and dependencies, which is what the OP

You probably meant: This will only work in targets and dependencies
but not in commands.  At least that's how it is with GNU make.

some\ program\ name.exe : some\ file.c other\ file.c
        @echo gcc $^ -o $@
some\ file.c other\ file.c :
        @echo touch $@

touch some file.c
touch other file.c
gcc some file.c other file.c -o some program name.exe

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