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[Maposmatic-dev] Project status ...?

From: Hartmut Holzgraefe
Subject: [Maposmatic-dev] Project status ...?
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 14:02:27 +0100
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Unfortunately the rendering service on the web site has been more down
than up-and-working lately, and this mailing list, the IRC channel and
git repositories have been showing next-to zero activity for quite a while.

So this brings up the question what the current status of the site,
and of the project in general, is.

Regarding the web site / online render service:

* Is there anything one could help with? Looks as if the main problem
  seems to be to keep the PostGIS database up and running?

* What to you think about others setting up alternative service sites
  using the MapOSMatic code base?
  (This would obviously cut into potential paypal donation revenues,
  but at the current state there's probably not any inflow from that

Regarding the state of development:

I've put some effort into getting things running on a current version
of Ubuntu lately. I ran into quite some interesting obstacles on the
way, but now I've got almost everything up and running. The only thing
that still doesn't seen to work out ok is the Nominatim search box ...

Using current Ubuntu cuts down installation efforts quite a bit as most
required tools, like e.g. osm2pgsql now come in a version current enough
to be used out of the box. The only thing that still needs to be
compiled instead of just installing a distribution package is Mapnik
as there is a bug that is only fixed in the 2.3beta and 3.0 versions of
Mapnik. And Mapnik 3 can't be used as it totally changed the Python
bindings ...

I've also updated the default OSM stylesheet to the current Carto-OSM
one and added a few other tiny bits here and there ...

So the main question is: how to get these changes merged? As the main
repositories are on Savannah, with GitHub repositories only being
mirrors on these:

* should I create bug tickets in Savannah and attach patches there?

* or should I send patches to this list?

* or (preferred) file pull requests against the GitHub repository

Currently my patched versions live in



but everything for now just lives in the "master" branches,
there'd be some need for separating changes into separate feature
branches before thinking about merging anything from there.

I've also wrapped up everything I learned about how to get things
running on an Ubuntu 15.10 VM in this Vagrant setup:


which creates a running instance listening on http://localhost:8000/
from the given data.osm.pbf file on running "vagrant up"


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