This is my proposal for the summary of the project (max. 200 words), in
its first draft version. Comments are more than welcome.
Title: Master on libre software
This is a proposal for a master degree within the Bologna framework, to
be offered jointly by several Universities across Europe. The subjet of
the master will be "libre (free, open source) software", a new field
where still little academic education exists, but which is focusing a
lot of attenting through Europe. The design of the master not only
provides the needed education on this field, but also explores ways of
translating to education some practices that the libre software
community has long ago demonstrated, in the areas of quality assurance,
collaboration of geographically distributed groups, creation of texts by
communities of authors, etc. The master also explores new ways in mixed
(both in-place and distance) learning prectices, and intensibe teaching
of both teoretical and practical subjects.
To fulfill the commitment expresed in this proposal, we provided a solid
group of Universities, with a multidisciplinary team of persons quite
involved in the libre software community, with good knowledge of it, and
with long term experience and interest in education about libre software
PS: Yes, I know the title could be challenged. I like it, but we could
explore others such as "Master on libre (free, open source) software" or
"Master on libre software related studies". Please comment also on this.