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[Masterlibre-list] Report on the master programme

From: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Subject: [Masterlibre-list] Report on the master programme
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 00:04:52 +0200

Hi all,

I guess many of you know that in the CALIBRE project,
we are writing a deliverable about training on libre software. I've
focused it on a postgraduate programme on libre software, based on the
work of this MoLOS group. In fact, I guess we've just put in writting
what we have been talking about several times.

The report is still draft, but close to be finished. If you can have a
look at it, of course I'd love hearing your comments and suggestions.

In particular, the section on related experiences is still not done.
Please, send me any suggestion you may have for it (I know several
experiences, but for sure I'm missing some important ones).

The chapter on acks is also still undone. Many of you deserve a good
position in it, but I still didn't have time to recap. For now, may
thanks to all of you.

I plan to have the final version this month (so, in 4-5 days the
latest), since we're already late in sending it to the Comission. So,
any comment before that deadline would be great.  However, I plan to
maintain the document in the future, so even if you cannot now but can
later, please, comment ;-)



Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona        | GSyC (DITTE)
Edificio Departamental II (ESCET) | address@hidden / address@hidden
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos       | tel: +34 91 664 74 67
c/ Tulipan s/n                    | fax: +34 91 664 74 94
28933 Mostoles, Spain

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