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Re: [GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin on OpenShift

From: Christopher Allan Webber
Subject: Re: [GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin on OpenShift
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 07:34:29 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.9-dev6; emacs

Testing MediaGoblin on OpenShift was something I wanted to do this year;
it's great to see someone else doing it instead... and it working for
others too! ;)

Jim Campbell writes:

> Hi All,
> Many of you probably saw this on the social-webs recently, but Sten Turpin
> has put together a quickstart that helps you quickly deploy an instance of
> MediaGoblin on OpenShift. The quickstart instructions are here:
> The two hiccups that I've had thus far are that I needed to turn-off debug
> mode so that I could get my "new account validation email," and I'm not
> certain how to enter console commands to finalize configuration updates.
> Still, Sten's work could be quite valuable for anyone looking to quickly
> spin-up and test an instance of MediaGoblin.
> Cheers!
> Jim
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