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Re: Application fails to start.

From: jbelant
Subject: Re: Application fails to start.
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:54:52 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Martin Pala wrote:

can you try following steps?

1.) start your application manualy using your script

I've modified the script based on Jan-Henrik's recommendation. Here is the modified script.

case $1 in
    cd /home/eminer/cA3Server
    echo $$ > /var/run/;
    exec /home/eminer/cA3Server/cA3Server > /dev/tty6
    kill `cat /var/run/`
    rm /var/run/
    echo "usage: rc.a3server {start|stop}" ;;

2.) provide 'ps -ef | grep A3Server'

address@hidden:/home/eminer/cA3Server# ps -ef|grep cA3Server
root 10181 9992 0 10:47 pts/3 00:00:00 /home/eminer/cA3Server/cA3Server
root     10183  9933  0 10:47 pts/2    00:00:00 grep cA3Server

3.) provide 'cat /var/run/' output

address@hidden:/home/eminer/cA3Server# cat /var/run/

4.) start monit in debug mode ... using '-v' option

address@hidden:/home/eminer/bin# monit -v
monit: Debug: Adding net allow ''.
monit: Debug: Adding net allow ''.
monit: Debug: Adding host allow 'localhost' (
Runtime constants:
 Control file       = /etc/monitrc
 Log file           = /tmp/monitlog
 Pid file           = /var/run/
 Debug              = True
 Log                = True
 Use syslog         = False
 Is Daemon          = True
 Use process engine = True
 Poll time          = 120 seconds
 Mail server(s)     = localhost
 Mail from          = (not defined)
 Mail subject       = (not defined)
 Mail message       = (not defined)
 Start monit httpd  = True
 httpd bind address = Any/All
 httpd portnumber   = 443
 httpd signature    = True
 Use ssl encryption = False
 httpd auth. style  = Host/Net allow list
 Alert mail to      = address@hidden
 Alert on           = All events

The service list contains the following entries:

Process Name          = mail
 Group                = (not defined)
 Pid file             = /var/run/
 Monitoring mode      = active
 Start program        = /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail start
 Stop program         = /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail stop
 Pid                  = if changed then alert
 Ppid                 = if changed then alert
Timeout = If 2 restart within 3 cycles then unmonitor else if recovered then alert

Process Name          = apache
 Group                = (not defined)
 Pid file             = /var/run/
 Monitoring mode      = active
 Start program        = /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd start
 Stop program         = /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd stop
 Pid                  = if changed then alert
 Ppid                 = if changed then alert
Timeout = If 2 restart within 3 cycles then unmonitor else if recovered then alert

Process Name          = ssh
 Group                = (not defined)
 Pid file             = /var/run/
 Monitoring mode      = active
 Start program        = /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start
 Stop program         = /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd stop
 Pid                  = if changed then alert
 Ppid                 = if changed then alert
Timeout = If 2 restart within 3 cycles then unmonitor else if recovered then alert

Process Name          = A3Server
 Group                = (not defined)
 Pid file             = /var/run/
 Monitoring mode      = active
 Start program        = /home/eminer/bin/rc.a3server start
 Stop program         = /home/eminer/bin/rc.a3server stop
 Pid                  = if changed then alert
 Ppid                 = if changed then alert
Timeout = If 2 restart within 3 cycles then unmonitor else if recovered then alert

Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:443]

I'm not sure yet where the problem is, but i think it may be either:

- race condition between you startup script pidfile creation section and

monit process start watching thread

- or inconsistency in pidfile and real process pid

My modified script works fine from a command prompt. Monit doesn't like it.

Thanks for your help so far,


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