I'm the sys admin for a small web hosting company. We have several
virtual servers from Verio. Here's the uname -a output from the one
where I'm testing the 4.5.1 install:
FreeBSD cypress1.datahost.com 4.7-RELEASE-p28 FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p28
#40: Fri Mar 11 14:16:49 MST 2005
address@hidden:/usr/src/sys/compile/VKERN i386
We've been using monit 4.1.1. I know there were some issues getting it
working in this environment, but that was before my time here. I just
compiled 4.5.1; I had to turn off SSL support to get it to compile
(gmake failed at some point, but I didn't save the output). However,
upon launching it I get this error:
cypress1# ./monit -I -c /usr/local/etc/monitrc
Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
Starting monit HTTP server at [*:2812]
monit HTTP server started
system statistic error -- cannot initialize kvm interface
AssertException: at process.c:390
Abort (core dumped)
I don't know jack about reading core dumps, but here's a
relevant-looking snippet from 'strings monit.core':
$FreeBSD: src/lib/libkvm/kvm_i386.c,v 2001/09/21 04:01:51 peter
Exp $
cannot allocate vm
bad namelist
cannot read IdlePTD
cannot read PTD
vatop called in live kernel!
_kvm_vatop: lseek
_kvm_vatop: read
invalid address (%x)
$FreeBSD: src/lib/libkvm/kvm.c,v 2002/09/13 14:53:43 nectar Exp $
: %s
: %s
can't allocate %u bytes: %s
exec file name too long
bad flags arg
%s: not physical memory device
%s: %s
invalid address (%x)
short read
short write
kvm_write not implemented for dead kernels
@(#)kvm_proc.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 9/23/93
Any ideas how to work around/fix this issue in this particular
environment? I'd stick with the working 4.1.1, but I'd really like to
use the nifty new mysql protocol tests on these servers. Thanks for any
help you can provide.
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