On Thu, 5 May 2005, Sorin S. wrote:
1) The implementation can be similar with the logtail
(the one written by Craig Rowland, which I am
attaching for convenience) - that is we care about
the inode and not the file, so we would not be
sensitive at logrotation. Also we can keep an offset
(logtail keeps it in a file on the same directory with
the logfile, we might want to keep it in the state
file) so we can catch only the last changes in the
file. We run logtail against some large logfiles
(8-12G) with no problems whatsoever.
Some distributions use logrotations by default (some work well, some
don't). And actually I don't wanna miss it (I find too large logs
inconvinient, chunkier ones are easier to handle!). (: That's why we
always have to check if the inode changes. Then we have to read the
rest of the old one and continue with the new one.
The position should be saved in the monit.state. We don't want to
leave our mess, where we are not supposed to write in. (: