Thank You Haukeland. Its simple and worked.
--- On Wed, 7/2/08, Jan-Henrik Haukeland <address@hidden> wrote:
From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland <address@hidden> Subject: Re: [monit] using monit to monitor services of another user To: "This is the general mailing list for monit" <address@hidden> Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 9:48 PM
No problem, if you run monit as root you can still start programs as another user. Simply use the 'as uid and gid' sub-statements to start, stop and exec. For example
check process tomcat with pidfile /var/run/ start program = "/etc/init.d/tomcat start" as uid nobody and gid nobody stop program
= "/etc/init.d/tomcat stop" # You can also use id numbers instead and write: as uid 99 and with gid 99 if failed port 8080 then alert
On 2. juli. 2008, at 13.07, sohail khan wrote:
> Hi > I am using monit to monitor apache and mysql. Monit is running as > non root user. Now I want to monitor a service running under root > user. If I install Monit under root user then how can I monitor the > services running under non-root user. > > I don't want to run two monits i.e One running under root user and > one running under non-root user. > Sohail.
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