I had a system running with monit 4.10.1
I executed the following sequence
1. Installed monit5.0beta6
2. "monit stop all"
3. Stopped monit
4. Started monit
5. "monit start all"
It turns out that in phase #2 some of the services (perhaps all of
them, not
sure) didn't actually stop. Technically, in this phase a monit5.0
was communicating with a monit4.10 daemon. I assume this might be an
combination ?
Even if it is illegal, I don't think that this should have happened. I
suspect that phase #2 wrote a new state file which the existing
daemon could
not handle.
I am guessing the right sequence is to install the new monit after
the current one.
Is there a way to update monit without stopping all the services ? On
production machines this could be crucial.
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