The configuration is OK, but the limits should be modified. It seems
that your system has CPU usage spikes which last for 2+ cycles and it
trigger the alert. The limit should be set so, that you get alert only
if the state is abnormal/pathological. What is normal/abnormal is
specific for each system - you can watch the load and then set the
limits accordingly ... for example rise the cpu(user) usage to 90% for
10 cycles.
On 08/04/2010 09:30 PM, Marc Pinnell wrote:
Finally got Monit going this am on my webserver (daemon, 2 min
interval). Since then I am getting a couple of warnings an hour about
high CPU loads. I am monitoring the wrong thing (I don't totally
understand the UNIX terminology about loads)? Here is my config:
check system 1027mail
if loadavg (1min)> 4 then alert
if loadavg (5min)> 2 then alert
if memory usage> 75% then alert
if cpu usage (user)> 70% for 2 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (system)> 30% for 2 cycles then alert
and a warning I just received:
Begin forwarded message:
Resource limit matched Service 1027mail
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:24:13 -0400
Action: alert
Host: 1027mail
Description: cpu user usage of 80.8% matches resource limit [cpu user
and then two minutes later:
Resource limit succeeded Service 1027mail
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:26:19 -0400
Action: alert
Host: 1027mail
Description: '1027mail' cpu user usage check succeeded [current cpu
user usage=0.0%]
This is the way they all go so far. Seems like if it happens to check
at the very moment a web request comes in (which obviously happens on
a regular basis!), it trips the warning.
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