I have a strange problem on some of
my servers.
I always start monit with init and the
main configuration (monitrc) is the same on every server. On two servers
I have the problem, that monit does not open the httpd port 3128. Every
other server works well.
If I start monit from command line (monit
-Ic /etc/monitrc) the port ist open instantly and everything works fine.
Did someone of you know about this behavior?
Somebody has an idea how I can solve
my monitrc (I just put an "XXX"
to the servernames and passwords. Rest is copy & paste
set daemon 30 with start delay 60
set logfile syslog facility log_daemon
set alert XXX but not on { instance
pid }
set mailserver XXX.gedak.de, XXX.gedak.de
set httpd port 2812
allow localhost
allow admin:XXX
check system XXX.gedak.de
if memory usage > 80%
for 5 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (user) >
60% for 5 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (system)
> 60% for 5 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (wait) >
20% for 5 cycles then alert
include /etc/monit.d/*.conf
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Patrick Viola
Projektentwicklung Business Information