Monit doesn't execute sudo … if you see sudo error, it is executed by your script directly or indirectly. If you need to run the program as specific user, you can use native monit options ("as uid …") - see manual for more details.
Regarding the log file … yes, you need to uncomment it to enable logging. See manual for more details.
Regards, Martin
On Jun 27, 2012, at 8:08 AM, frwa onto wrote: Dear Martin, I am running everything as root but I got this error in the tmp file "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo". So I change my script to this version then start program = "su --session-command='/usr/local/yajswstable/bat9000/ >> /tmp/start.log 2>&1'" also showing me the same
"sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo" in tmp file. So what should I do to make it run. Actually I would like to learn how it works. Step 1 check process cvs9000 with pidfile /var/run/ # I will check if the process is still alive.
Step 2 start and stop program. Step 3 if failed port 9000 then restart so it will only do the restart if the port 9000 fail is it not when the first check is it?
About the logfile settings I saw this # set logfile syslog facility log_daemon should I just uncomment it so to have the logging working?
Regards, Frwa.. On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:09 AM, Martin Pala <address@hidden> wrote:
Have you reloaded monit after the configuration change? (using either "monit reload" or restart monit). If not, then monit is running with the old configuration and won't create the file in the /tmp.
The logging can be configured via the "set logfile" statement (see monit manual for details).
Regards, Martin On Jun 26, 2012, at 11:41 AM, frwa onto wrote:
Dear Martin, I have replace like this
start program = "/bin/bash -c '/usr/local/yajswstable/bat9000/ >> /tmp/start.log 2>&1'" . Then I stop the service externally not via monit it sends me alerts as usual but it there is nothing in /tmp folder ? So what else to look into to solve this issue? Where is the monit log stored and how to verify the pidfile? Thank you.
Regards, Frwa
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Martin Pala <address@hidden> wrote:
your start script most probably depends on some environment variable, which is not present when it is started via Monit. For security reasons Monit sets sandbox for program execution and sets only spartan PATH variable:
You can log the script output by wrapping it like this:
start program = "/bin/bash -c '/usr/local/yajswstable/bat9000/ >> /tmp/start.log 2>&1'"
Regarding the application stop - if you stopped the application via monit ("monit stop cvs9000"), then monit won't send alert, as it the stop disables the monitoring as well. If you stopped the application outside of monit control and monit didn't reported the problem, then there is most probably some issue with the configuration - check monit logs, verify the pidfile content.
On Jun 25, 2012, at 5:59 PM, frwa onto wrote:
> Dear All,
> We are monitoring a java listener say running on port 9000. So far we have set it this way. It just send me the alert when the application is stopped but it never managed to restart it. What must I do to make it restart ? Another thing there was an instance we purposely stopped but never got alerted could it be monit just miss because its was coincident while its was checking and at the same time the programme was stopped.
> check process cvs9000 with pidfile /var/run/ # check your app pid
> start program = "/usr/local/yajswstable/bat9000/"
> stop program = "/usr/local/yajswstable/bat9000/"
> if failed port 9000 # if you want to check your app that listen on port 9000
> then
> restart
> Regards,
> Frwa.
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