I’m sure this has been asked before, but I can’t find an answer :)
I have a script that reads a temperature sensor and outputs the result to stdout.
I want to test the result and take an action if the the reading is above or below a threshold
I currently set the exits status as a workaround, but I’m looking for a more general solution I have:
check program testscript with path "/root/Scripts/tst.sh" with timeout 100 seconds
if status < 0 then alert
if status > 22 then exec '/usr/local/bin/hot.sh'
if status < 17 then exec '/usr/local/bin/cold.sh'
It would be more useful if I could do something like:
check program testscript with path "/root/Scripts/tst.sh" with timeout 100 seconds
if atoi(stdout) < 0 then alert
if stdout) > 22 then exec '/usr/local/bin/hot.sh'
if stdout < 17 then exec '/usr/local/bin/cold.sh'
Of course you may have a better way . . . .
Andrew Holt