Is it possible to set service poll times to be something more complex than can be specified in one "EVERY" or "NOT EVERY" statement?
For example, I have something I'd like to not alert on from 00:00 - 01:30 each night.
Since monit does not know about seconds, my intent here was to tell monit not check the service if the current time is 00:00-01:29.
Doing the following does not work:
not every "* 0 * * *" not every "0-29 1 * * *"
When listing multiple every/not every statements, only the last listed poll time exclusion is acted on, so in this case it is 01:00-01:29.
Is there a way to make this work? The best I could find in the email archive was someone showing how to specify a complex time range with a slash. While that might be valid syntax in Linux's cron daemon, it is not within monit.