Yes, that's correct.
Regards, Martin
Thanks Martin,
Ok, in a 1 cpu core, the monit value is the same that command
top value, i tested on a single core processor virtual machine and
its the same value.
So, in a 2 cpu cores monit % cpu vale for a process will be
the comand top % cpu / 2, aprox; the half?? isn´t?
Thanks guys.
El 31/05/2013 11:32, Martin Pala escribió:
monit shows the cpu usage as a share of sum of all available
CPU resources - for example if you have 8 cpu cores, the
single-threaded process max will be 100 / 8 = 12.5% if it fully
utilises 1 cpu core. Multi-threaded process using all cpu cores
will take up to 100% cpu (i.e. all cpu resources).
Top shows the cpu usage on single cpu core, hence for example
multi-threaded application utilising 8 cpu cores will have up to
800% cpu usage, which is less natural.
Hi all!
A diference exits between monit cpu total value and
top value for the same process. For example top show 5.7%
CPU and monit a 0.4% CPU TOTAL , why this difference? Is
not the same total CPU usage of the process and its
children in percent?
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