On 3/21/19 10:05, SZÉPE Viktor wrote:
Paul Theodoropoulos <address@hidden>:
On 3/21/19 03:38, Bernd Wurst wrote:
Am 21.03.19 um 08:54 schrieb Tino
~ # ls -l /run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 6 20. Mär 12:53
httpd listing (monitoring temporarily disabled):
Parameter Value
Name mysqld
Pid file /run/mysqld/mysql.pid
There's a mismatch in the pid file name.
Totally random observation, but it's one-character changes in
things like that, that are responsible for probably ten percent
of my gray hairs.
You find well-tested monit service configs in my public repo
All the best!
That's a wonderful repo - perhaps Martin might consider adding a
link to that in the wiki....
Paul Theodoropoulos