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RE: monit send alerts for different cycles fails to different e-mail add

From: lutz . mader
Subject: RE: monit send alerts for different cycles fails to different e-mail addresses
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2023 07:26:52 GMT
User-agent: freenet-api2

Hello Mesut,
This is the way how Monit handle the alert statement, see

You can set the alert target (a email) using the global "set alert" statement or the 
"alert" statement in the context of a service entry. But you can not set a email address in a 
context of a test. You can check the behaviour by using "monit -v" to get some Monit internal 
information about the configuration.

Remote Host Name      = Cluster0 Admin Panel
 Address              =
 Monitoring mode      = active
 On reboot            = start
 Port                 = if failed []:4443 type TCP/IP protocol HTTP 
with timeout 10 s using TLS then alert
 Port                 = if failed []:4443 type TCP/IP protocol HTTP 
with timeout 10 s using TLS for 3 cycles then alert
 Alert mail to        =
   Alert on           = All events
 Alert mail to        =
   Alert on           = All events

This looks like this, based on your sample.

-----ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
 Gesendet: 05.07.2023 16:38 Uhr
 Betreff: monit send alerts for different cycles fails to different e-mail 

how can I set alerts for different cycles fails to different users (something 
like that) for the same service in monit?

I have tried the config like this below.

check host "Cluster0 Admin Panel" with address if failed port 4443 
protocol https with timeout 10 seconds for 3 cycles then alert if 
failed port 4443 protocol https with timeout 10 seconds then alert

But syntax error occurred on the e-mail address lines.

this one sent emails to both users at 1st cycle and 3rd cycle

check host "Cluster0 Admin Panel" with address if failed port 4443 
protocol https with timeout 10 seconds for 3 cycles then alert alert 
if failed port 4443 protocol https with timeout 10 seconds then alert alert

-----ursprüngliche Nachricht Ende-----

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