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[Monotone-devel] Building monotone with Debian (Sarge)

From: Kevin Smith
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Building monotone with Debian (Sarge)
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 23:24:27 -0800
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I tried to build. First, I apt-get'd the packages mentioned on the monotone home page. Is that list also in the source tree somewhere? I prefer to have Debian automatically install "depends" packages, so I only named the "top level" packages and let aptitude fill in the missing ones. So far, so good.

When I ran "autoreconf --install" I got an error about AM_PROG_CC_C_O. A quick web search suggested removing it, so I commented that line out of Hm. Now I can't remember where I saw the autoreconf command line. It should probably be in the how-to-build docs.

Next, I got errors for each source files in a subdirectory, like:
automake: not supported: source file `cryptopp/algebra.cpp' is in subdirectory

Then, it bombed out with: invalid unused variable name: `AM_LDFLAGS'

Web search...Hmmm. There's Tromey's name again :-) I'm using automake 1.4-p6. Apparently there is a 1.7 available, so let's install that and remove 1.4. I'll also revert the AM_PROG_CC_C_O change, since that was probably a version thing also.

Success. Well, at least autoreconf completed. Now what should I do? I don't see any instructions. make does nothing. Ah, now we go to the normal ./configure step. Ok, that worked. Let's try make...well, among other output, I see:
  WARNING: `makeinfo' is missing on your system.

We have some compile warnings about unused variables and statements with no effect. Presumably those can be cleaned up at some point. I'll just cross my fingers and ignore all the warnings.

SUCCESS! We have a build. It runs! The whole process was actually less painful than I had feared. Now I can start hacking :-)


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