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Re: [Monotone-devel] Spaces in filenames, UTF-8, and newlines (was: mono

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Spaces in filenames, UTF-8, and newlines (was: monotone & CVS import)
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 19:27:55 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 05:08:26PM -0500, graydon hoare wrote:
> eh.. not just yet. problem is, the only thing I can think of which is
> acceptable from a user's perspective is transparently washing and
> unwashing newlines when reading and writing files. but that is so
> uninspiringly against the general design (binary-clean, SHA1(file) ==
> version) that I can't imagine turning it on by default.
> maybe permit a (default undefined) hook, and if you put:
>  function wash_line_endings (name)
>       if (string.find(name, "%.c$")) then return true end
>         return false
>  end
> in your .monotonerc, you give up being able to run sha1sum on your .c
> files anymore, and I have a strong statement in the manual about how
> this makes sha1sum useless on your files. would that do?

I think it would be cleaner to use a .mt-attr for this, and add a hook
to let people set default attrs on files.

function set_default_attrs(name)
    if (string.find(name, "%.c$")) then
        return { {"line_endings", "convert_to_host"} }
    if (string.find(name, "%.vbasic$")) then
        return { {"line_endings", "force_to_crlf"} }

or something.

Of course, this would require the ability to either make attribute
hooks that can modify files on their way in and out of the working
copy, or else hard-code the attribute name into monotone.  I guess the
argument both for and against each solution is generality; on the one
hand, hard-coding and special cases are to be avoided, but encouraging
people to create their own arbitrary content-munging hooks might be a
bad idea.  I also can't think of any real use cases.  ($Id$-type
expansion is sorta like this, but has other issues -- like how you
handle diffs involving such expansions.)

-- Nathaniel

Details are all that matters; God dwells there, and you never get to
see Him if you don't struggle to get them right. -- Stephen Jay Gould

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