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[Monotone-devel] commit, queue, and post design

From: Kevin Smith
Subject: [Monotone-devel] commit, queue, and post design
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 09:11:31 -0800
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I'm increasingly uncomfortable with the way monotone handles queuing changes to be sent to a depot.

The immediate problem is that I have a bunch of packets queued for depots that no longer exist. Yes, I know I can delete them with sql, and that a command would be easy to add. Another warning sign for me is my confusion about not being able to push and unchanged fetched tree to my depot, and whether I ought to push the history or not.

Fundamentally, it seems wrong to queue packets at commit time. If depots are added or removed between the commit and the post, everything gets messed up. Really, the post command itself should figure out what each depot needs, and send it. As a side effect, commit would be a bit faster.

Essentially, right now monotone stores "state" about each depot. That seems overly complex and error-prone.

Am I off course here?


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