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Re: [Monotone-devel] RFE: have monotone check line endings on commit

From: Rob Schoening
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] RFE: have monotone check line endings on commit
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:29:17 -0800

One of the things that is missing in this discussion are real concrete use-cases.
The main one that I have had to contend with is:
Assumption 1: VCS does no line ending conversion.
Assumption 2: Line endings in repository are all "correct" per the project's conventions
Assumption 3: All editors in use by developers can correctly handle non-native (to their workstation) line endings
Step 1: User makes minor modification to workspace file
Step 2: User XYZ *unwittingly* saves/commits a file with a different line ending than the previous revision.
Step 3: Monotone now thinks that every line in the file has changed.  Diff & merges break.
In my experience this use case accounts for 90% of "line ending problems".  Unless the file happens to be a unix shell script (in which case it might not run with modified line endings), it is more of an annoyance than anything else.
So if *nothing* was done to address the problem, I wouldn't miss the lack of functionality.  It would, however be *nice* if monotone could have warned the user at step #2 that he was doing something that might be a mistake.
I know some people have different requirements where when I file is checked out, it must exist with line-endings that are native to the client workstation. However, I have never encountered this usecase, so perhaps someone can comment.
On 11/27/06, Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker <address@hidden> wrote:
In message <address@hidden> on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:47:30 +0100, Ulf Ochsenfahrt < address@hidden> said:

ulf> That's easy:
ulf> Noone who doesn't use a sane editor gets write access to my repository!
ulf> Other things would be nice though, for example if montone would check
ulf> that the files you try to commit have the correct (project specified)
ulf> line endings, with an error message such as:

"project specified" says it all, doesn't it.  Yes, I understand that
you meant it as a joke, but in all seriousness, that's still the
problem that we're discussing (unless you wish the discussion to be
dropped entirely, which is what's happened before, and is a sure
guarantee that the same discussion will start over in a few months!).


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