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Re: [Monotone-devel] Packages for Debian testing

From: Richard Levitte
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Packages for Debian testing
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 00:01:53 +0200 (CEST)

In message <address@hidden> on Thu, 5 Jul 2007 13:17:29 -0700, "Zack Weinberg" 
<address@hidden> said:

zackw> On 7/4/07, Richard Levitte <address@hidden> wrote:
zackw> > Yes?  That's what's included in the changes you committed/pushed,
zackw> > right?
zackw> Yes and no.  I committed the build-dep fixes and the changelog
zackw> sync -- to n.v.m.  The boost 1.34 fixes are already there, and
zackw> it doesn't make sense to have the -DBOOST_SP_DISABLE_THREAD
zackw> hack on mainline.

I'm wondering about that one.  I've noticed that the Debian release (I
download the source for 0.31-8 just to see what was changed) removes
that macro.

zackw> Is there a branch corresponding to your snapshots?  If so, it
zackw> would make sense to put all the changes there.

There is such a branch, it's called
and is only found (as far as I know) on (a.k.a., among others).  And no, it doesn't make sense to put such
changes in that branch, it's much better to put that in n.v.m, as
that's the basis for the Debian releases, among others.  My snapshots
are a bit special, as mentioned in the description:

 This package is built from a combination of the following monotone
   net.venge.monotone                 - the main development branch
   net.venge.monotone.debian          - additional debian control files
                                      - additional H: selector

Actually, the .debian branch isn't needed any more, so I'll probably
remove that next time I remember ;-).

zackw> How do we move forward on getting the version actually in
zackw> Debian updated?

I'd like to know as well.


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Richard Levitte                         address@hidden

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
                                                -- C.S. Lewis

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