On 7/16/07, Anthony Williams <address@hidden> wrote:
> A few observations. You don't need to build boost.regex separately, or
> any boost library for that matter. You could simply add its sources to
> your own project and compile it in. You certainly don't need to compile
> boost.regex with ICU support if you don't want it. True, when you
> compile boost.regex separately into a shared lib, it can be large, but
> if you statically link it, the linker can throw out the parts that are
> not used. And if you "compile it in" like I suggest above, you only get
> the parts you actually use. Finally, as of v1.34, Boost has a
> header-only regex library called Xpressive, which is another option
for you.
Just to add:
John Maddock, the author of boost.regex has offered to refactor
boost.regex to
be header-only if this is the only showstopper for monotone.
The offer is appreciated, and other developers may disagree with me,
but I personally am not interested in continuing to use any Boost
library for regular expressions, header-only or not. In fact, at this
point I am convinced that the Boost libraries, *in general*, are more
trouble than they are worth. I imagine we will continue using some of
the generic data structures for lack of an alternative, but I can't
support anything else.