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[Monotone-devel] Re: ding dong, boost::filesystem is dead

From: Eric Niebler
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: ding dong, boost::filesystem is dead
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 19:55:46 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070604)

Zack Weinberg wrote:
On 7/16/07, Anthony Williams <address@hidden> wrote:
> A few observations. You don't need to build boost.regex separately, or
> any boost library for that matter. You could simply add its sources to
> your own project and compile it in. You certainly don't need to compile
> boost.regex with ICU support if you don't want it. True, when you
> compile boost.regex separately into a shared lib, it can be large, but
> if you statically link it, the linker can throw out the parts that are
> not used. And if you "compile it in" like I suggest above, you only get
> the parts you actually use. Finally, as of v1.34, Boost has a
> header-only regex library called Xpressive, which is another option for you.

Just to add:

John Maddock, the author of boost.regex has offered to refactor boost.regex to
be header-only if this is the only showstopper for monotone.

The offer is appreciated, and other developers may disagree with me,
but I personally am not interested in continuing to use any Boost
library for regular expressions, header-only or not.  In fact, at this
point I am convinced that the Boost libraries, *in general*, are more
trouble than they are worth.  I imagine we will continue using some of
the generic data structures for lack of an alternative, but I can't
support anything else.

You had stated difficulties building and linking to external libraries as the reason for dropping Boost, but it seems you've had other bad experiences too. Would you be willing to share your experiences? I won't try to change your mind. It sounded like API instability was also a problem for you. Any others?

Eric Niebler
Boost Consulting

The Astoria Seminar ==>

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