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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Imminent release...

From: Stephen Leake
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Imminent release...
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 07:20:37 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (windows-nt)

Matthew Gregan <address@hidden> writes:

> At 2007-07-22T14:39:41-0700, Justin Patrin wrote:
>> and on Windows XP (MingW):
>> Interesting tests:
>> 177 empty_environment                             FAIL (line -1)
> I don't have time to look at the others right now, but I'm pretty sure this
> test is failing because your MinGW environment isn't set up correctly.  The
> instructions were updated a couple of months ago when I got localization
> working properly:

I have looked at the test; the problem is that those instructions end
up with /mingw/bin/libintl-2.dll, but the test is trying to copy

I'm not sure which mingw package installs libintl-2.dll. I tried
upgrading libiconv to libiconv-1.11; that did not change libintl.

On second thought, libintl-2.dll is _not_ required (anymore) by mtn;
the binary distribution for Windows has just mtn.exe, libiconv-2.dll,
and zlib.dll. So the simplest solution is to just not copy libintl, at
least on Windows/MinGW.

Here's a patch that does that:

--- tests/empty_environment/__driver__.lua
+++ tests/empty_environment/__driver__.lua
@@ -8,10 +8,8 @@ if ostype == "Windows" then
 if ostype == "Windows" then
   local iconv = getpathof("libiconv-2", ".dll")
-  local intl = getpathof("libintl-8", ".dll")
   local zlib = getpathof("zlib1", ".dll")
   copy(iconv, "libiconv-2.dll")
-  copy(intl, "libintl-8.dll")
   copy(zlib, "zlib1.dll")
 elseif string.sub(ostype, 1, 6) == "CYGWIN" then
   local cygwin = getpathof("cygwin1", ".dll")


After applying this, empty_environment passes.

Apparentlyl the Lua variable `ostype' is set to "Windows" for either
MinGW or MSVC builds, but to "CYGWIN" for Cygwin builds.

Does the MSVC build need libintl-8.dll (I don't have MSVC installed)?
If not, then this patch can be committed.

-- Stephe

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