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Re: [Nano-devel] proposal to add support for the XDG base directory spec

From: Mike Scalora
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] proposal to add support for the XDG base directory spec
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2017 01:37:02 +0000

I for one welcome our new XDG overlords. Seriously, the dot file kludge has alway been an annoyance to me, never knowing while tools & utilities see the hidden files and which don’t. The transition will be messy but our children will look back on dot files and laugh at the crude kludge we endured. 

I hope someone will do a cleanup utility to move existing files over when the installed program is retrofitted. Maybe each app should move the files when a magic setting is present like an env var or confit file in the XDG directory.


On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 1:45 PM Simon Ochsenreither <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Benno,

> In fact it adds two additional places where nano will look for a nanorc
> file:
> XDG_CONFIG_HOME, and when not defined or non-existent: $HOME/.config.


> If I look in my home directory on a recent Xubuntu system, there are still
> several dot files and dot directories there: .bashrc, .emacs, .gitconfig,
> .infokey, .profile, .toprc, .viminfo, .xinputrc, and .gnupg/, .mozilla/,
> .shh/, .subversion/, .thunderbird/.  Do you see any of them moving their
> stuff to .config or XDG_CONFIG_HOME?  If they don't, why should nano?

Most applications and libraries already made the move, but you might potentially see more directories on your system than on a freshly installed one as many applications keep using an existing .app where it exists even if the migrated to XDG. Git is a good example of this.

For pretty much every dotfile or dotfolder in the home directory there is a bug report by users who want to have it fixed in a future version. (And no bug reports by users who want XDG conformant applications to fill up their $HOME instead.)

On my recent Xubuntu system:


I have fewer than 40 dotfiles/dotfolders left in my home directory, but more than 100 entries in .config, for example.
Apart from a few holdouts, XDG support is pretty much a done deal and what's left is cleaning up the long trail of the last 10% of applications. (Java applications seem to be particalularly notorious offenders in this regard ...)

There is an extremely helpful entry in the Arch Wiki that documents the state of the remaining cleanup:

> But more importantly: how does it help the user when the .nanorc file
> can be put in a different directory but the .nano/*_history files
> remain where they are?  That only makes things _more_ messy.
> *If* we'll add support for the XDG base dir idea, then it will have to
> put all three nano files in a single place: filepos_history, nanorc,
> and search_history.

Yes, agreed. As mentioned, my patch was just a first change to test the waters, a complete patch would adapt the location of all those files. It might not be perfect, but I could live with XDG_DATA_HOME for those files if nano devs insist on not splitting them up along the cache/config/data lines.



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