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Re: [Nano-devel] A patch for added color support

From: Brand Huntsman
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] A patch for added color support
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2017 18:34:34 -0700

On Sun, 31 Dec 2017 21:50:24 +1030
address@hidden wrote:

> I would thus prefer/like to see:
>    color cyan regex
> superseded by something like one of the following:
>    color rgb(0,255,255) regex
>    color 0,255,255 regex

The 16 color names should remain for 16-color support. I don't know how other 
editors handle 256-color, but an unsigned 0-255 decimal would probably work. 
And then rgb(0-255,0-255,0-255) and #FFFFFF could be added for true color 
support. But supporting "255,255,255" is a terrible idea, how would you do a 
background color? "black,white" -> "0,0,0,255,255,255"?

> The mapping of 24-bit nanorc syntax colours to the resolution
> supported by the terminal could, and I feel /should/, be done
> programmatically within nano.

Is it possible for nano to query the 16/256-color palette? Even if it can, 
there will be cases where multiple 24-bit colors map to the same 16/256-color 
entry. Might be best to throw an error if 24-bit color or 256-color is used on 
a terminal emulator that doesn't support them. I wouldn't use a true-color 
image for my desktop background on a 16-color monitor, so why would I use a 
true-color syntax on a 16-color terminal emulator?

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