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Re: [Nano-devel] [PATCH 1/2] display: let the title bar show when nano i

From: Brand Huntsman
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] [PATCH 1/2] display: let the title bar show when nano is in linting mode
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 00:14:26 -0600

On Tue, 23 Oct 2018 22:24:54 -0500
David Ramsey <address@hidden> wrote:

> No offense or prying intended, but if you're going to state that using
> the selected color is an accessibility issue, you should probably
> give a reason why it is, instead of leaving others to guess why.

My entire computer is practically black on black, via monitor brightness and 
xgamma. Selection color is the brightest color in nano so I can see the 
boundaries when only a couple characters are highlighted. But its bright 
background blinds me, making it impossible to read the selected text.

> > The NOTICE/noticecolor patch could also be written and tested in
> > minutes, and applied to git. It should default to hilite_attribute
> > instead of getting a custom default like errorcolor.
> In this hypothetical case, why wouldn't noticecolor get its own custom
> default?  If NOTICE messages are more important than regular messages,
> shouldn't they stick out more than regular messages as well, and not
> be set to hilite_attribute as regular messages are?

s/should/could/ -- Using hilite_attribute is easier than selecting a good 
default. It doesn't matter anyway, the broken patch was pushed to git before I 
wasted time writing my reply. Thanks for that Benno!

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