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[Nano-devel] WIP improvement for the website

From: Devin Hussey
Subject: [Nano-devel] WIP improvement for the website
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 15:03:59 -0400

Hi, I was fooling around with the nano website homepage, and made some

With some CSS and JavaScript, I was able to make some changes:
 - Those shortcuts at the bottom? __They now actually work.__
 - The title bar stays at the top, the help bar stays at the bottom.
 - The dimensions make sense. Percent dimensions aren't always the right choice.
 - Things are a little prettier. I haven't changed the body, but I
tried to use a better font and stuff.

It now uses code from this century lol

Here is a screencast of it in action:

The keyboard viewer is to show the keys I am pressing.

The WIP rewrite of the main page is attached.

I eventually want to make it so it scales on mobile because there is
no reason not to, however it isn't huge on the priority list.

What do you think?

-- Devin Hussey
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