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Re: things on the minibar are distracting

From: Seb
Subject: Re: things on the minibar are distracting
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 21:36:05 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Hi Benno,

If the minibar would be placed at the top of the screen, then also the status bar and the prompt bar would have to be there, otherwise we wouldn't gain an extra line. But the thought of having status messages like "Not found" at the top is horrible. And the thought of having a prompt there is even worse.

I see. I use "set nohelp". Would it be possible, for this option, to use the bottom-most lines of the screen to display the file's contents and if ^W is pressed (for example), to replace the bottom-most lines by Nano's message? In other words, to reserve the space for Nano only when it needs it?

thus it "flashes" and it distracts me from what I'm typing. The information "line count,char count" is already available with ^C, does it really need to be available at all times?
^C gives /far/ too much information. All the needless info shown by ^C is one of the two reasons that made me make --minibar. From among all that info all I want is the column number of the cursor. The line number is there only to let it make sense.

If ^C is too chatty, why not change ^C? (Although it seems fine for my uses.) I don't really want to argue about what's useful or not; my main point is that to me, flashing numbers are distracting. Would there be a middle ground in an rc-setting that would let the user choose the color for "line,column" and "charcode"? I could then set them to the background's color :-)

* Idem for the Unicode code, it flashes and seems rarely useful.
It is rarely useful, but it is the other reason why I made --minibar:
sometimes I come across invalid bytes and I want to see what code they
are.  Having to select the fragment, write it out to a file, exit from
nano, xxd the little file, and then restart nano was a nuisance.

I don't deny that it can be really useful to see charcodes. I merely say that it is rarely useful. Thus it may not deserve a permanent (and flashing) place on the screen.

Having this info the whole time in the bottom bar may be a distraction to you, but fifteen years of using nano has made me ignore whatever is on the bottom row -- unless I hear a beep or invoke a prompt. I see things on that row only when I directly look at it.

It's been a long time since I've had messages at the bottom of the screen.

To go even further along the "minibar" idea: would it be possible to let this line disappear completely with a keyboard toggle, perhaps ^C?

(You probably mean M-C, as the --minibar option turns M-C into a no-op.)
Hmm... That would be an idea. It would not give another extra line of editing space, though, because that bottom line needs to stay reserved for status messages and prompt bar. But... see attached patch for a rough first implementation.

The patch (for v5.5) failed with the message:

patching file src/nano.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 185.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 2080.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/nano.c.rej

The file src/nano.c.rej contains:
--- winio.c
+++ winio.c
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ void read_keys_from(WINDOW *win)

 #ifndef NANO_TINY
-   if (currmenu == MMAIN && ISSET(MINIBAR) && lastmessage > HUSH &&
+   if (currmenu == MMAIN && ISSET(MINIBAR) && ISSET(CONSTANT_SHOW) && lastmessage > 
                        lastmessage != INFO && lastmessage < ALERT) {
        timed = TRUE;
@@ -2080,6 +2080,12 @@ void minibar(void)
    wchar_t widecode;

+       blank_statusbar();
+       wrefresh(bottomwin);
+       return;
+   }
    /* Draw a colored bar over the full width of the screen. */
    wattron(bottomwin, interface_color_pair[TITLE_BAR]);
    mvwprintw(bottomwin, 0, 0, "%*s", COLS, " ");

I don't know why this mentions winio.c, or what went wrong.
Any idea?

? Option 'set markmatch' highlights the result of a successful search
I love it already.
I like the improved visibility of the found occurrence, but having it marked is a bit of a hindrance. Apparently, after having searched for something, I often want to delete the relevant line, but now the first ^K deletes the found text. It needs a second ^K to delete the line. I still haven't gotten used to this.

Ah, yes, I didn't notice the "mark" part; this part feels awkward indeed.
(Most of the time, I search a string to find an occurrence, not to delete anything.)


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